
Before Liposuction

Before Liposuction

Suction-assisted lipectomy – also known as liposuction, fat suction, or suction lipectomy – is a technique to remove unwanted fat deposits from specific areas of the body, including the chin, neck, and cheeks; the upper arms and above the breasts; the abdomen, buttocks, hips, and thighs; and the knees, calves, and ankles. Liposuction is one of the commonest procedures performed at plastic surgicentre in Doha, Qatar. Liposuction is not a substitute for weight reduction, but a method of removing localized fat that doesn’t respond to dieting and exercise. If you’re considering liposuction, this will give you a basic understanding of the procedure – when it can help, how it’s performed, and what results you can expect. It can’t answer all of your questions, since a lot depends on the individual patient and the surgeon. Please ask your doctor about anything you don’t understand.

Women may have liposuction performed under the chin, on their hips, thighs, and stomach, and in the underarm and breast area.

The best candidates for liposuction

Liposuction can enhance your appearance and your self-confidence, but it won’t necessarily change your looks to match your ideal, or cause other people to treat you differently. Before you decide to have surgery, think carefully about your expectations and discuss them with your surgeon.

The best candidates for liposuction are of relatively normal weight but have pockets of excess fat in particular areas. You should be physically healthy, psychologically stable, and realistic in your expectations. Most important, having firm, elastic skin will result in a better final contour. (Hanging skin won’t reshape to your body’s new contours, and may require an additional procedure to surgically remove the excess skin. This procedure will leave visible scars.)

Male Before Liposuction

Male Before Liposuction

For men, common sites include under the chin and around the waist. Liposuction may also be used in the reduction of enlarged male breasts, a condition known as gynecomastia.

Suction lipectomy is not recommended if you’ve had recent surgery on the spot to be sculpted, if you have poor blood circulation in that area, or if you have heart or lung disease. You should also understand that liposuction by itself will not improve the dimpled skin known as cellulite. At Plastic Surgicenter we offer some other techniques that improve this condition.

For men, common sites include under the chin and around the waist. Liposuction may also be used in the reduction of enlarged male breasts, a condition known as gynecomastia.

All surgery carries some uncertainty and risk

Suction-assisted lipectomy is normally safe, as long as patients are carefully selected, the operating facility is properly equipped, and the physician is adequately trained in body contouring as well as general surgery.

Nevertheless, in rare instances, the procedure may cause trauma, particularly when multiple or very extensive areas are suctioned at one time. Other infrequent, but possible, complication include fluid accumulation (which must be drained). You can reduce your risks by choosing a qualified plastic surgeon who has been granted privileges to perform liposuction at an accredited hospital, and by closely following his advice.

The scars from liposuction are small and strategically placed to be hidden from view, even in a bikini. However, other cosmetic problems may occur, even if your surgeon is very skilled. They may include rippling of the skin over the treated area, and pigmentation changes (such as brown spots) that may become permanent if exposed to the sun. Asymmetry (uneven contour or shape) sometimes requires a second procedure.

Planning your surgery

In your initial consultation, the surgeon will evaluate your health, determine where your fat deposits lie, and carefully assess your skin tone. Your doctor should explain any alternative body-contouring methods that may be appropriate – such as abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck – and discuss the options or the combination of procedures that would be best for you.

Be frank in discussing your expectations with your surgeon. He or she should be equally frank with you, describing the procedure in detail and explaining its risks and limitations. Your surgeon should also explain the anesthesia he or she will use, the type of facility where the surgery will be performed, and the costs involved.

During this consultation, be sure to tell your surgeon about any large weight losses or gains you’ve had at any time. You should also inform your surgeon if you smoke, and if you’re taking any medications, vitamins, or other drugs.

Don’t hesitate to ask your doctor any questions you may have, especially those regarding your expectations and concerns about the results.

Preparing for your surgery

The best candidates for liposuction are normal weight with localized areas of excess fat– for example, in the buttocks, hips, and thighs.

If you’re having extensive liposuction, discuss the possibility of having blood drawn ahead of time with your doctor. Your own blood can be used to help replace the blood and other fluids you’ll lose during surgery if your doctor feels this is necessary.

Your surgeon will give you specific instructions on how to prepare for surgery, including guidelines on eating and drinking, smoking, and taking or avoiding vitamins, iron tablets, and certain medications. If you develop a cold or an infection of any kind, especially a skin infection, your procedure will have to be postponed.

While you’re making preparations, be sure to arrange for someone to drive you home after your surgery and, if needed, to help you out for a day or two.

Where your surgery will be performed

Suction-assisted lipectomy may be performed in a surgeon’s office-based facility, an outpatient surgery center, or a hospital. It’s usually done on an outpatient basis, for cost containment and convenience. Extensive procedures may require a hospital stay of two or three days.

Best Candidates For Liposuction

Best Candidates For Liposuction

The best candidates for liposuction are normal weight with localized areas of excess fat– for example, in the buttocks, hips, and thighs.

Types of anesthesia

If your procedure is not too extensive – that is, the amount of fat and fluid removed does not exceed an amount your doctor will define based on your health, body size, and surgical procedure – liposuction can be performed under local anesthesia, which numbs the area, combined with a sedative to make you drowsy. You’ll be awake but relaxed, and will feel minimal discomfort. Some surgeons may instead use an epidural block, similar to the anesthesia used in childbirth.

If your doctor plans to suction a large area, or to treat several sites, you’ll probably have general anesthesia. In that case, you’ll sleep through the operation.

The surgery

The Surgery

The Surgery

The surgeon inserts a cannula through small incisions in the skin. At the other end of the tube is a vacuum-pressure unit that suctions off the fat

The surgeon inserts a cannula through small incisions in the skin. At the other end of the tube is a vacuum-pressure unit that suctions off the fat.

Suction-assisted lipectomy usually takes an hour or two, but the time required may vary considerably – from thirty minutes to several hours, depending on the area and amount being suctioned.

To begin the procedure, the surgeon makes a small incision, just large enough to allow the insertion of a hollow tube called a cannula. The opposite end of the cannula is attached to a machine that creates a strong vacuum. The surgeon manipulates the cannula deep within the fat layers under the skin, breaking up the fat and suctioning it out. Sometimes additional incisions are needed to remove all areas of fat.

If you’ve had local anesthesia, you’ll feel some vibration and friction during the procedure. You may also feel a stinging sensation as the cannula moves closer to the muscle.

You’ll lose fluid along with the fat during liposuction, and it’s crucial that this fluid be replaced to keep your body from going into shock.

After your surgery

After surgery, a drainage tube may be inserted beneath your skin for one day to remove any fluid build up that occurs. A snug elastic dressing, girdle, or body stocking must be worn over the treated area to control swelling and bleeding, and to help your skin shrink to fit your new contour. You may need to wear this garment continuously for two to three weeks, then just in the day time for a few weeks more, depending on your surgeon’s instructions. Your doctor may also prescribe antibiotics to prevent infection.

After Surgery

After Surgery

A snug compression garment worn after surgery helps reduce swelling.

Don’t expect to look or feel great right after surgery. You’ll even be heavier for a while, because of the extra fluids you’ve been given. The suctioned areas will be swollen and bruised, and you may feel a burning sensation. The pain can be controlled with medications prescribed by your surgeon, though you may still feel stiff and sore for a few days. You may temporarily lose all feeling in the suctioned area; don’t worry – it will return.

It’s not unusual to feel depressed in the days or weeks following surgery. Try to keep in mind that this is normal and will subside as you begin to look and feel better.

Getting back to normal

Healing is a gradual process. Your surgeon will probably tell you to start walking around as soon as possible (to help prevent blood clots from forming in your legs), but to avoid more strenuous activity for two to four weeks. Any stitches will be removed in five to ten days or dissolve, and you should be back at work in 2 – 3 days, or as much as two weeks after your surgery. When you resume activity depends on the extent of your procedure, how you feel and what your doctor recommends.

While most of the swelling and discoloration will be gone a month or two after surgery, some swelling can re main for six months or more. Your surgeon will schedule follow-up visits to monitor your progress and to see if any additional procedures are needed.

If you have any unusual symptoms between visits – for example, heavy bleeding or a sudden increase in pain – or any questions about what you can and can’t do, don’t hesitate to call your doctor.

Your new look

New Look

New Look

As healing progresses, a more proportional look will emerge.

Suction-assisted lipectomy is a highly effective technique for giving you a new body contour with very little scarring. The results can be permanent, providing you eat sensibly and exercise regularly. If you do gain weight, you’ll probably gain it more uniformly throughout your body, not just in the former “bulges.”

A slimmer body contour can help you feel more confident and comfortable.

Most patients are very satisfied with the results of their liposuction – they feel more comfortable in a wide variety of clothes, and more at ease with their bodies. As long as your expectations are realistic, you should be happy with your new shape.

Noticeable Difference

Noticeable Difference

You will see a noticeable difference in the shape of your body quite soon after surgery. However, improvement will become even more apparent after about six weeks, when most of the swelling has subsided.

If your expectations are realistic, you will probably be very pleased with the results of your surgery. You may find that you are more comfortable in a wide variety of clothes and more at ease with your body. And, by eating a healthy diet and getting regular exercise, you can help to maintain your new shape permanently.

The information on this web site is only intended as an introduction to this procedure and should not be used to determine whether you will have the procedure performed nor as a guarantee of the result.

The best method of determining your personal options is to schedule a personal consultation with Dr. Makki. He will be able to answer specific questions related to your situation.

Please don’t hesitate to call for any questions that you might have

Laser Liposuction

Laser- -assisted liposuction, like traditional liposuction, is not a weight control method or a fix for obesity. It is used to help contour your body in those areas that are not responsive to diet and exercise such as saddlebags or a paunchy stomach.

Laser liposuction focuses low-energy waves delivered by a thin laser fiber that’s inserted through small incisions. The laser energy is focused on the part of the body where you’d like to have a fatty pocket removed. After the fat is melted, a small cannula is used to suck out the liquefied fat.

Also like traditional liposuction, laser-assisted liposuction is most often used to reduce fullness in your Abdomen, Ankles, Arms, Buttocks, Cheeks, Chin, Hips, Knees, Neck, Thighs, Upper arms, Waist.

Laser-assisted liposuction may offer some advantages, such as sedation rather than general anesthesia, less trauma to the site and smoother skin in the end. Nevertheless, you should be aware that these techniques are still considered to be relatively new and there are few studies to prove the end results are better than traditional liposuction. It’s important to discuss the advantages and disadvantages with your plastic surgeon.
Caution: In the wrong or inexperienced hands, laser- assisted liposuction can be dangerous. In addition to seeking a doctor who is trained and board-certified in plastic surgery, make sure the physician has specific experience with this types of procedure. As you do your homework, you should be suspicious if the liposuction pricing is far lower than what’s quoted by qualified plastic surgeons. This could be an indicator that the provider is not properly qualified to perform the procedure.

The most common potential complications of laser Liposuction include:
•Minimal bleeding
•Skin burns

Managing your discomfort: You’ll probably be sore and a little swollen for a few days following laser- or ultrasound-assisted liposuction. Your doctor will provide painkillers to keep you comfortable.

Your doctor may advise you to wear a special compression garment to speed healing. Everyone’s recovery is slightly different, but most people are able to return to work within a few days.

Traditional liposuction—one of the most popular forms of cosmetic surgery in the world—typically starts with the administration of some form of anesthesia including local anesthesia, intravenous sedation or general anesthesia accompanied with the infusion of a saline solution into the area of the body where liposuction will be performed. The solution contains medication to minimize pain and bleeding. Then, a small hollow tube attached to a vacuum is inserted through a small incision into the fat layer beneath the skin. It’s moved around to break up the fat, which is then sucked out of the body.

Laser-assisted liposuction takes advantage of the power and technology associated with medical laser beams to liquefy the fat which is then sucked out of the area.

Renuvion ( J Plasma )

Renuvion is a non-surgical procedure for skin tightening. Also known as J Plasma or J Plasty, the procedure tightens and refreshes loose skin without the need for invasive surgery, extended downtime, or large surgical scars. This precision repair is unique because plastic surgeons can apply controlled heat to target specific areas for skin tightening.

We all lose collagen as we age but there are now ways to replenish lost collagen and tighten the skin without extensive surgery. At PSC we are proud to offer the J-Plasma by Renuvion Skin Tightening procedure, an advanced treatment that tightens and firms the skin permanently using Helium Plasma technology. This innovative procedure can be combined with liposuction to tighten the skin in areas such as the thighs, abdomen and knees. Just one treatment is enough to produce significant results and the results with patients so far have been nothing short of remarkable.* This procedure can also be performed under local anesthesia in the office setting most times, and can also involve fat reduction via liposuction where appropriate! This procedure involves the use of a liposuction cannula but is minimally invasive.

For the Renuvion procedure, the plastic surgeon creates a small entry point placing the device just under the skin. Once the device is in place, the specialist releases pro helium gas and radiofrequency (RF) to create a precise stream of energy (plasma).
This energy generates enough heat to contract the skin while, at the same time, excess helium gas cools the treatment area. This combination of energy contracts the tissues just under the skin, which tightens it.

Renuvion can be used to tighten skin in almost any body area. Common areas include:
Arm lift
Belt lift (abdomen & sides)
Breast lift
Butt lift
Thigh lift
Lower face and neck lift
Knee lift
Tummy tuck

Renuvion is a treatment option for patients who want skin tightening results, but do not want to do invasive plastic surgery. No other minimally invasive technology will tighten the skin to this degree with such a:
tiny incision,
little or no scarring, and
minimal downtime.

J-Plasma by Reunion Skin Tightening treatments stimulate collagen production deep within the skin’s layers. This breakthrough technology can be especially useful for treating areas such as the knees, inner thighs, neck, and other areas with thin skin.

Some of the key benefits of J-Plasma by Renuvion skin tightening treatments include:
Only one treatment required
Stimulates collagen at a deeper level
Very small incisions
Relatively painless procedure
Fast recovery time, full healing within three weeks
Progressive results as the skin heals
Minimal to no risk of skin burning
Now at PSC you can achieve tighter and toned skin with an advanced skin rejuvenation procedure. Learn more about J-Plasma by Reunion Skin Tightening treatments by scheduling an appointment with our certified plastic surgeons today.

Fat Injection

Fat injection is commonly performed at plastic surgicentre in Doha, Qatar.

Body fat makes excellent soft tissue filler material. Fat injection transfers fat from one part of the body to another to recontour the face; diminish frown lines, crow’s feet and nasolabial folds (smile lines); and provide definition to areas like the cheeks and chin. It can also be used to fill out depressed scarred areas on any part of the body. Fat injection is not permanent, and may require an effective maintenance program.

The donor site (for example, abdomen, buttocks or thighs) and the treatment site are injected with local anesthetic. Fat cells are extracted through a small needle attached to a syringe. The fat is then processed to remove excess fluids and reinjected with another needle in multiple thin strands in the desired area. Some swelling, bruising—usually about 48 hours. Patient should avoid the sun until the condition subsides.For longest-lasting effect, patients generally receive 3 to 4 treatments over a six-month period. Longevity of results can vary significantly from patient to patient.


Natural, non-allergenic.
Outpatient procedure that generally takes under an hour.
Injections may last from several months to permanently.
Little or no downtime.
Minimal discomfort, which can be controlled with medication.
Because fat is from the patient’s own body, no pre-testing is required and the fat cannot be rejected.
Good alternative if the patient is allergic to bovine collagen.
Cost effective if combined with another procedure like liposuction.

The information on this web site is only intended as an introduction to this procedure and should not be used to determine whether you will have the procedure performed nor as a guarantee of the result.

The best method of determining your personal options is to schedule a personal consultation with Dr. Makki. He will be able to answer specific questions related to your situation.

Please don’t hesitate to call for any questions that you might have

Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)

An incision just above the pubic area is used to remove excess skin and fat from the middle and lower abdomen.

An incision just above the pubic area is used to remove excess skin and fat from the middle and lower abdomen.

Abdominoplasty is one of the commonest procedures performed at plastic surgicentre Doha in Qatar. Abdominoplasty, known more commonly as a “tummy tuck” is a surgical procedure to remove excess skin and fat from the middle and lower abdomen and to tighten the muscles of the abdominal wall. The procedure can dramatically reduce the appearance of a protruding abdomen. But bear in mind, it does produce a permanent scar-which, depending on the extent of the original problem and the surgery required to correct it, can extend from hip to hip.

If you’re considering abdominoplasty, the following information will give you a basic understanding of the procedure – when it can help, how it’s performed, and what results you can expect. It can’t answer all of your questions, since a lot depends on the individual patient and the surgeon. Please ask your surgeon about anything you don’t understand.

An incision just above the pubic area is used to remove excess skin and fat from the middle and lower abdomen.

The best candidates for abdominoplasty

The best candidates for abdominoplasty are men or women who are in relatively good shape but are bothered by a large fat deposit or loose abdominal skin that won’t respond to diet or exercise. The surgery is particularly helpful to women who, through multiple pregnancies, have stretched their abdominal muscles and skin beyond the point where they can return to normal. Loss of skin elasticity in older patients, which frequently occurs with slight obesity, can also be improved.

Patients who intend to lose a lot of weight should postpone the surgery. Also, women who plan future pregnancies should wait, as vertical muscles in the abdomen that are tightened during surgery can separate again during pregnancy. If you have scarring from previous abdominal surgery, your doctor may recommend against abdominoplasty or may caution you that scars could be unusually prominent.

Abdominoplasty can enhance your appearance and your self-confidence, but it won’t necessarily change your looks to match your ideal, or cause other people to treat you differently. Before you decide to have surgery, think carefully about your expectations and discuss them with your surgeon.

All surgery carries some uncertainty and risk

Skin is separated from the abdominal wall all the way up to the ribs.

Skin is separated from the abdominal wall all the way up to the ribs.

Skin is separated from the abdominal wall all the way up to the ribs.

Thousands of abdominoplasties are performed successfully each year. When done by a qualified plastic surgeon who is trained in body contouring, the results are generally quite positive. Nevertheless, there are always risks associated with surgery and specific complications associated with this procedure.

Postoperative complications such as infection and blood clots are rare, but can occur. Infection can be treated with drainage and antibiotics, but will prolong your hospital stay. You can minimize the risk of blood clots by moving around as soon after the surgery as possible.

Poor healing, which results in conspicuous scars, may necessitate a second operation. Smokers should be advised to stop, as smoking may increase the risk of complications and delay healing.

You can reduce your risk of complications by closely following your surgeon’s instructions before and after the surgery, especially with regard to when and how you should resume physical activity.

Planning your surgery

The surgeon draws underlying muscle and tissue together and stitches them, thereby narrowing the waistline and strengthening the abdominal wall.

The surgeon draws underlying muscle and tissue together and stitches them, thereby narrowing the waistline and strengthening the abdominal wall.

In your initial consultation, Dr. Makki will evaluate your health, determine the extent of fat deposits in your abdominal region, and carefully assess your skin tone. Be sure to tell your surgeon if you smoke, and if you’re taking any medications, vitamins, or other drugs.

Be frank in discussing your expectations with Dr. Makki. He should be equally frank with you, describing your alternatives and the risks and limitations of each.

If, for example, your fat deposits are limited to the area below the navel, you may require a less complex procedure called a partial abdominoplasty, also known as a mini-tummy tuck, which can often be performed on an outpatient basis. You may, on the other hand, benefit more from partial or complete abdominoplasty done in conjunction with liposuction to remove fat deposits from the hips, for a better body contour. Or may be liposuction alone would create the best result.

In any case, Dr. Makki will work with you to recommend the procedure that is right for you and will come closest to producing the desired body contour.

During the consultation, Dr. Makki will also explain the anesthesia he will use, the type of facility where the surgery will be performed, and the costs involved. In most cases, health insurance policies do not cover the cost of abdominoplasty, but you should check your policy to be sure.

Preparing for your surgery

The surgeon draws underlying muscle and tissue together and stitches them, thereby narrowing the waistline and strengthening the abdominal wall.

Dr. Makki will give you specific instructions on how to prepare for surgery, including guidelines on eating and drinking, smoking, and taking or avoiding certain vitamins and medications.

If you smoke, plan to quit at least one to two weeks before your surgery and not to resume for at least two weeks after your surgery. Avoid overexposure to the sun before surgery, especially to your abdomen, and do not go on a stringent diet, as both can inhibit your ability to heal. If you develop a cold or infection of any kind, your surgery will probably be postponed.

Whether your surgery is done on an outpatient or in patient basis, you should arrange for someone to drive you home after your surgery, and to help you out for a day or two after you leave the hospital, if needed.

Where your surgery will be performed

Many surgeons perform both partial and complete abdominoplasties in an outpatient surgical center or an office-based facility. Others prefer the hospital, where their patients can stay for several days.

Types of anesthesia

Dr. Makki may select general anesthesia, so you’ll sleep through the operation.

In some cases he may use local anesthesia, combined with a sedative to make you drowsy. You’ll be awake but relaxed, and your abdominal region will be insensitive to pain. (However, you may feel some tugging or occasional discomfort.)

The surgery

Abdominal skin is drawn down and excess is removed.

Abdominal skin is drawn down and excess is removed.

Abdominal skin is drawn down and excess is removed.

With complete abdominoplasty, a new opening is cut for the navel. Both incisions are stitched closed.
Complete abdominoplasty usually takes two to five hours, depending on the extent of work required. Partial abdominoplasty may take an hour or two.

Most commonly, Dr. Makki will make a long incision from hipbone to hipbone, just above the pubic area. A second incision is made to free the navel from surrounding tissue. With partial abdominoplasty, the incision is much shorter and the navel may not be moved, although it may be pulled into an unnatural shape as the skin is tightened and stitched.

Next, Dr. Makki separates the skin from the abdominal wall all the way up to your ribs and lifts a large skin flap to reveal the vertical muscles in your abdomen. These muscles are tightened by pulling them close together and stitching them into their new position. This provides a firmer abdominal wall and narrows the waistline.

The skin flap is then stretched down and the extra skin is removed. A new hole is cut for your navel, which is then stitched in place. Finally, the incisions will be stitched, dressings will be applied, and a temporary tube may be inserted to drain excess fluid from the surgical site.

In partial abdominoplasty, the skin is separated only between the incision line and the navel. This skin flap is stretched down, the excess is removed, and the flap is stitched back into place.

After your surgery

After surgery, the patient has a flatter, trimmer abdomen. Scars are permanent, but will fade with time.

After surgery, the patient has a flatter, trimmer abdomen. Scars are permanent, but will fade with time.

After surgery, the patient has a flatter, trimmer abdomen. Scars are permanent, but will fade with time.

For the first few days, your abdomen will probably be swollen and you’re likely to feel some pain and discomfort which can be controlled by medication. Depending on the extent of the surgery, you may be re leased within a few hours or you may have to remain hospitalized for one to three days.

Dr Makki will give you instructions for showering and changing your dressings. And though you may not be able to stand straight at first, you should start walking as soon as possible.

Surface stitches will be removed in five to seven days, and deeper sutures, with ends that protrude through the skin, will come out in two to three weeks. The dressing on your incision may be replaced by a support garment.

Getting back to normal

It may take you weeks or months to feel like your old self again. If you start out in top physical condition with strong abdominal muscles, recovery from abdominoplasty will be much faster. Some people return to work after two weeks, while others take three or four weeks to rest and recuperate.

Exercise will help you heal better. Even people who have never exercised before should begin an exercise program to reduce swelling, lower the chance of blood clots, and tone muscles. Vigorous exercise, however, should be avoided until you can do it comfortably.

Your scars may actually appear to worsen during the first three to six months as they heal, but this is normal. Expect it to take nine months to a year before your scars flatten out and lighten in color. While they’ll never disappear completely, abdominal scars will not show under most clothing, even under bathing suits.

Your new look

Long lasting results

Long lasting results

Abdominoplasty, whether partial or complete, produces excellent results for patients with weakened abdominal muscles or excess skin. And in most cases, the results are long lasting, if you follow a balanced diet and exercise regularly.

If you’re realistic in your expectations and prepared for the consequences of a permanent scar and a lengthy recovery period, abdominoplasty may be just the answer for you.

The information on this web site is only intended as an introduction to this procedure and should not be used to determine whether you will have the procedure performed nor as a guarantee of the result.

The best method of determining your personal options is to schedule a personal consultation with Dr. Makki. He will be able to answer specific questions related to your situation.

Please don’t hesitate to call for any questions that you might have


This operation is usually done to tighten the lower abdominal area and remove the
fullness that often develops after pregnancy. It is used when there is localized fullness of the lower abdomen and a less extensive procedure than an abdominoplasty is needed.

An ellipse of skin is removed from the lower abdomen and the muscles beneath that area will be tightened. Liposuction of the abdomen usually done at the same time. The operation can be done under either local anesthetic or general anesthetic. Most patients are happier asleep. You can choose. Most of the time this is an outpatient operation and a stay in the hospital is not needed.

All operations have some risk. The risks of surgery can be divided into two groups. First those that are seen in all operations and second those that are unique or special for this operation. In the first group, the main risks are swelling, bruising, bleeding, infection, a scar and numbness or change in feeling. The main problems which are special for this operation are the scar of the lower abdomen and irregularity from the liposuction.
The recovery takes one to two weeks. Most people are back to work within a week or two.

Please don’t hesitate to call for any questions that you might have. This information is also available by email

Brachioplasty (armlift) (bat wing deformity)

This operation is done to tighten the loose skin of the upper arm. It does not change the texture of the skin but by stretching it, the crepiness is made noticeable. It is most effective in those patients who are overweight and have recently lost weight from successful dieting and exercise, leaving an excess of skin and underlying fat which will not shrink to conform to the new body shape. If a patient has no loose skin of the upper-inner arms but only has localized areas of fat, then they may be a candidate for liposuction alone without removal of skin.

During surgery the excess skin is marked and then removed. The incision is placed on the inner and under surface of the arm and often curves or zigzags. Often some fat is suctioned at the same time. The operation is done under either local anesthetic (you are awake) or general anesthetic (you are asleep). You can choose but most patients are happier asleep. Hospital stay is usually 1 or 2 nights but this depends upon the individual’s response to surgery. Approximate surgical time is 3 to 4 hours.

All operations have some risk. The risks of surgery are divided into two groups. First those that are seen in all operations and second those that are unique or special for this operation. In the first group, the main risks are swelling, bruising, bleeding, infection, a scar and numbness or change in feeling. The main specific problem for this operation is the long and sometimes heavy scar.

The recovery takes one to two weeks, the patient is usually asked not to exercise for two weeks. The stitches are usually removed in 7 to 10 days. Most people are back to work within a week or two.

The information on this web site is only intended as an introduction to this procedure and should not be used to determine whether you will have the procedure performed nor as a guarantee of the result.

The best method of determining your personal options is to schedule a personal consultation with one of our consultant Plastic Surgeons. He will be able to answer specific questions related to your situation.

Please don’t hesitate to call for any questions that you might have

Plastic Surgery After weight loss

Losing excessive amounts of weight can help individuals look and feel better as they enjoy a healthy new lifestyle. Whether through bariatric surgery or traditional diet and exercise, dramatic weight loss reduces the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and many other serious conditions while improving your appearance and self-confidence

However, many patients are bothered by the excess skin and fat that often remains after weight loss. The skin around the face, neck, upper arms, breast, abdomen, buttocks and thighs may sag or fold once fat is lost from the area. These trouble spots keep many people from being truly satisfied with their bodies and produce another form of insecurity.

Many patients undergo body contouring procedures after weight loss to help sculpt and tone their new physique and maximize the results of their weight loss. These procedures are specially designed to reduce excess skin from targeted areas of the body or enhance your overall appearance. There are several different procedures available to help improve your shape and put the finishing touches on your weight loss transformation.

Some of these contouring procedures include:

Body Lift

A body lift, also known as a belt lipectomy is a general procedure that improves your appearance by removing excess fat and skin from a certain section or the entire body. Unlike specific area treatments like an arm lift or thigh lift, a body lift can treat larger areas or combine several different treatments in one procedure.

Depending on where your most troubling problem areas are, Dr. Makki can perform an upper, mid, lower or total body lift. Most patients seek a lower body lift to correct sagging and folds in these problem areas.

This procedure is performed under general anesthesia and can take four to seven hours depending on the type of lift desired. Dr. Makki usually treats the abdomen first, making a horizontal incision along the pubic area and then removing excess skin and fat. This is then repeated in other targeted areas such as the buttocks, thighs and upper arms. A body lift can also be combined with liposuction to receive optimal results.

A body lift is a major surgical procedure that requires a significant recovery time, including a short hospital stay and several weeks at home before returning to regular activities.

Thigh Lift

A thigh lift is a surgical procedure that improves the overall appearance of your legs, leaving them toned and firm after weight loss. There are several different types of thigh lift procedures that each targets certain areas to produce the most effective results for each individual patient. These different types include:

Inner Thigh Lift – This procedure targets the inner thigh and helps remove stubborn excess fat from this troublesome area. An incision is made in the area where the thigh and pubic area meet, and then skin and fat are removed and tightened to enhance skin elasticity and the overall appearance of the leg.

Bilateral Thigh Lift – This procedure targets the front and outside of the leg through the top of the leg. Excess fat and skin are removed and the remaining skin is tightened on both sides of the leg to improve the leg contour.

Medial Thigh Lift – A medial thigh lift targets the upper portion of the inner thigh through an incision that stretches from the groin to the back crease of the buttock. This procedure removes excess skin and improves the shape of the leg.

Arm Lift

Also known as brachioplasty, an arm lift removes excess skin and fat from the upper arms to leave them looking younger and more attractive. The upper arms tend to become loose and flabby with age as skin loses its elasticity, which can then become more apparent with dramatic weight loss. An arm lift improves the appearance of the arms and helps patients feel more comfortable wearing short sleeve shirts and showing off their slim new look.

During an arm lift procedure, an incision is made in the armpit to remove excess fat and tighten the skin and tissue in the area. Patients with larger fat deposits may need a larger scar that runs from the elbow to the armpit. This procedure is usually performed under general anesthesia. After fat is removed, the arms may be wrapped or placed in compression garments to promote quick healing and minimize side effects. Patients may experience swelling and discomfort during the first few days after surgery, but these symptoms usually subside within 7 to 10 days.

The information on this web site is only intended as an introduction to this procedure and should not be used to determine whether you will have the procedure performed nor as a guarantee of the result.

The best method of determining your personal options is to schedule a personal consultation with Dr. Makki. He will be able to answer specific questions related to your situation.

Please don’t hesitate to call for any questions that you might have

Buttock Augmentation

Augmentation techniques include the “Brazilian butt lift” (fat transfer) and butt implants

Buttock augmentation is a procedure that reshapes and enhances your gluteal area, providing you with a more shapely buttock profile. In the past ten years, this procedure has become increasingly popular worldwide, with round, firm buttocks often seen as a symbol of femininity and sensuality. The most frequent methods for enlarging and reshaping your buttocks are fat grafting using your own natural fatty tissue (popularly referred to as the “Brazilian butt lift”), or with buttock implants.

When to Consider Buttock Augmentation
* If your buttocks are too small for your body frame and you want a more balanced look
* If the shape of your gluteal region (buttocks) is too flat or square and you would like more curves and a more youthful appearance
* If weight loss or the aging process has left your buttocks loose, sagging, or flat
* If clothes and swimwear do not fit properly on your figure
* If you would gain self-esteem or self-confidence from such a procedure

Clothes and swimwear may fit better.
Your body may appear more shapely and proportionate.
Your buttocks may be firmer and rounder, creating a more youthful and curvaceous appearance.

It is possible for implants to slip postoperatively or for some of the fat to be reabsorbed, causing asymmetry.
If you are very slender and want significant augmentation, you may need implants to achieve the size that you desire.
Because of postoperative swelling, it may take three to six months before the full effect of this surgery is evident.

These are the top pros and cons to weigh when considering buttock augmentation. If you wish to focus on what is unique to you, please consult with our plastic surgeon.

Are you a good candidate for a buttock augmentation?

The following are some common reasons why you may want to consider buttock augmentation:

Your buttocks are too small for your body frame and you want a more balanced look.
Weight loss or the aging process has left your buttocks loose, sagging, or flat.
Clothes or swimwear are baggy or do not fit properly on your figure.
The shape or size of your butt makes you feel self-conscious and you desire more curves.
If you are in good general health, have a positive attitude and realistic expectations, you are most likely a good candidate for this procedure.

How is a buttock augmentation procedure performed?
The two most popular methods for buttock augmentation are autologous fat transfer (using your own natural fatty tissue), also called the Brazilian butt lift, and gluteal implant surgery with or without fat transfer for additional contouring.

Autologous fat transfer
This procedure, referred to as a Brazilian butt lift, takes fat from one area of your body and uses it to enhance and reshape your buttocks.

Liposuction with suction tubes (cannulas) is used to remove fatty tissue from areas of your body with excess tissue, such as the abdomen, hips, back, or thighs.
The fat is then processed for fat transfer.
The fat is reinjected using syringes connected to cannulas.
Usually three to five small incisions are needed for injecting the fat, but these incision sites are easily hidden by clothing.
The fat is grafted in layers at multiple levels, with the cannula moving back and forth to ensure that a smooth, linear deposit of fatty tissue is left to reshape and augment the buttocks area.
The liposuction incisions are closed with sutures.
Drains are inserted and a compression garment is worn following surgery.
Not all the fat transferred in a BBL procedure is expected to survive. The final result may be somewhat smaller than initially projected. Repeat BBL procedures (a 2nd or 3rd round) are occasionally advised depending on a patient’s initial results.

While popularly called a “butt lift,” the BBL procedure is primarily about improving body torso contours, improving the waistline, reducing back rolls, and providing a more curvaceous figure. Skin is not removed in a typical BBL and the “lift” effect is primarily an increase in projection of the buttocks.
Buttock implants
Implants are most appropriate for treating flat or poorly defined buttocks, particularly for patients who have limited fatty tissue. Butt implants are not as effective for treating sagging buttocks that may occur after significant weight loss.

With this procedure a soft, shaped silicone implant is placed through an incision hidden inside the natural buttock crease, or an alternate incision site may be used. Your plastic surgeon will provide further details about these incision locations during the consultation.
The implant is positioned in a pocket below the large buttock (gluteal) muscle and above the pelvic bone.
The incisions are closed with sutures, drains are inserted, and a compression garment is worn following surgery.

Silicone injections – patient safety warning
Silicone injections are an unsafe and unacceptable option for buttock augmentation. These injections are often offered by unlicensed individuals and should be avoided. Always consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon if you are considering a buttock augmentation procedure.

Your initial consultation appointment
During your initial consultation, you will have the opportunity to discuss your cosmetic goals. Your surgeon will evaluate you as a candidate for buttock augmentation and clarify what a butt augmentation surgery can do for you. Understanding your goals and medical condition, both alternative and additional treatments may be considered. (see related procedures).

Your plastic surgeon will examine your buttocks and most likely take photos for your medical records. Your surgeon will consider:

The size and shape of your buttocks
The quality of your skin
What kind of butt augmentation is appropriate depending on your goals and body type
Appropriate fat donor sites, if a Brazilian butt lift is planned
You should come to the consultation prepared to discuss your complete medical history. This will include information about:

Previous surgeries, including prior liposuction, tummy tuck or other abdominal surgeries
Past and present medical conditions
Allergies and current medications
Any history of prior injections to the buttocks
It is important for you to provide complete information. If you are planning to lose a significant amount of weight, be sure to tell your plastic surgeon. He or she may recommend that you stabilize your weight prior to undergoing surgery.
Buttock Augmentation
Augmentation techniques include the “Brazilian butt lift” (fat transfer) and butt implants

Buttock augmentation is a procedure that reshapes and enhances your gluteal area, providing you with a more shapely buttock profile. In the past ten years, this procedure has become increasingly popular worldwide, with round, firm buttocks often seen as a symbol of femininity and sensuality. The most frequent methods for enlarging and reshaping your buttocks are fat grafting using your own natural fatty tissue (popularly referred to as the “Brazilian butt lift”), or with buttock implants.

When to Consider Buttock Augmentation
If your buttocks are too small for your body frame and you want a more balanced look
If the shape of your gluteal region (buttocks) is too flat or square and you would like more curves and a more youthful appearance
If weight loss or the aging process has left your buttocks loose, sagging, or flat
If clothes and swimwear do not fit properly on your figure
If you would gain self-esteem or self-confidence from such a procedure
Clothes and swimwear may fit better.
Your body may appear more shapely and proportionate.
Your buttocks may be firmer and rounder, creating a more youthful and curvaceous appearance.

It is possible for implants to slip postoperatively or for some of the fat to be reabsorbed, causing asymmetry.
If you are very slender and want significant augmentation, you may need implants to achieve the size that you desire.
Because of postoperative swelling, it may take three to six months before the full effect of this surgery is evident.
These are the top pros and cons to weigh when considering buttock augmentation. If you wish to focus on what is unique to you, please consult with your aesthetic plastic surgeon.

Are you a good candidate for a buttock augmentation?

The following are some common reasons why you may want to consider buttock augmentation:

Your buttocks are too small for your body frame and you want a more balanced look.
Weight loss or the aging process has left your buttocks loose, sagging, or flat.
Clothes or swimwear are baggy or do not fit properly on your figure.
The shape or size of your butt makes you feel self-conscious and you desire more curves.
If you are in good general health, have a positive attitude and realistic expectations, you are most likely a good candidate for this procedure.

Detailed Procedural Info
How is a buttock augmentation procedure performed?
The two most popular methods for buttock augmentation are autologous fat transfer (using your own natural fatty tissue), also called the Brazilian butt lift, and gluteal implant surgery with or without fat transfer for additional contouring.

Autologous fat transfer
This procedure, referred to as a Brazilian butt lift, takes fat from one area of your body and uses it to enhance and reshape your buttocks.

Liposuction with suction tubes (cannulas) is used to remove fatty tissue from areas of your body with excess tissue, such as the abdomen, hips, back, or thighs.
The fat is then processed for fat transfer.
The fat is reinjected using syringes connected to cannulas.
Usually three to five small incisions are needed for injecting the fat, but these incision sites are easily hidden by clothing.
The fat is grafted in layers at multiple levels, with the cannula moving back and forth to ensure that a smooth, linear deposit of fatty tissue is left to reshape and augment the buttocks area.
The liposuction incisions are closed with sutures.
Drains are inserted and a compression garment is worn following surgery.
Not all the fat transferred in a BBL procedure is expected to survive. The final result may be somewhat smaller than initially projected. Repeat BBL procedures (a 2nd or 3rd round) are occasionally advised depending on a patient’s initial results.

While popularly called a “butt lift,” the BBL procedure is primarily about improving body torso contours, improving the waistline, reducing back rolls, and providing a more curvaceous figure. Skin is not removed in a typical BBL and the “lift” effect is primarily an increase in projection of the buttocks.

Buttock implants
Implants are most appropriate for treating flat or poorly defined buttocks, particularly for patients who have limited fatty tissue. Butt implants are not as effective for treating sagging buttocks that may occur after significant weight loss.

With this procedure a soft, shaped silicone implant is placed through an incision hidden inside the natural buttock crease, or an alternate incision site may be used. Your plastic surgeon will provide further details about these incision locations during the consultation.
The implant is positioned in a pocket below the large buttock (gluteal) muscle and above the pelvic bone.
The incisions are closed with sutures, drains are inserted, and a compression garment is worn following surgery.
What are my options?
There are two main approaches for buttock augmentation: autologous fat transfer (Brazillian butt lift) and buttock implant surgery. Your cosmetic surgeon will recommend an approach based on your aesthetic goals and body shape. Buttock implants may be chosen if you desire a more rounded appearance to your buttocks while fat grafting is an excellent way to contour and reshape your butt. If you are very slender with little excess fat, then implants may be appropriate; however, if you have sagging buttocks after massive weight loss, then fat grafting or a combination of fat and butt implant surgery may be more effective.

Silicone injections – patient safety warning
Silicone injections are an unsafe and unacceptable option for buttock augmentation. These injections are often offered by unlicensed individuals and should be avoided. Always consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon if you are considering a buttock augmentation procedure.

What will my buttock augmentation incisions and scars be like?
Depending on the type of procedure your surgeon recommends, the following incisions may be used:

Autologous fat transfer
The liposuction incisions are very small and just large enough to allow the suction tube, or cannula, to go under the skin and remove the fat. The incisions used for injecting the fat into the buttock regions are equally small.

Typically an incision is made in the fold between the buttock “cheeks.” Alternative locations are the outer corners of the upper buttock and at the bottom in the gluteal crease.

Selecting a Surgeon
Select a surgeon you can trust
It’s important to choose your surgeon based on:

Education, training, and certification
Experience with buttock augmentation surgery
Your comfort level with him or her
Members of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery are experienced and qualified to perform your aesthetic procedure.

After finding a board-certified plastic surgeon in your area who is experienced in performing buttock augmentation, you will need to make an office appointment for your consultation. Generally, because of the in-depth nature of the consultation, there is a cost associated with the initial visit.

Your initial consultation appointment
During your initial consultation, you will have the opportunity to discuss your cosmetic goals. Your surgeon will evaluate you as a candidate for buttock augmentation and clarify what a butt augmentation surgery can do for you. Understanding your goals and medical condition, both alternative and additional treatments may be considered. (see related procedures).

Your plastic surgeon will examine your buttocks and most likely take photos for your medical records. Your surgeon will consider:

The size and shape of your buttocks
The quality of your skin
What kind of butt augmentation is appropriate depending on your goals and body type
Appropriate fat donor sites, if a Brazilian butt lift is planned
You should come to the consultation prepared to discuss your complete medical history. This will include information about:

Previous surgeries, including prior liposuction, tummy tuck or other abdominal surgeries
Past and present medical conditions
Allergies and current medications
Any history of prior injections to the buttocks
It is important for you to provide complete information. If you are planning to lose a significant amount of weight, be sure to tell your plastic surgeon. He or she may recommend that you stabilize your weight prior to undergoing surgery.

Your treatment plan
Based on your goals, physical characteristics, and the surgeon’s training and experience, your surgeon will share recommendations and information with you, including:

The approach to your surgery, including the type of procedure or combination of procedures.
Outcomes that you can anticipate.
Your projected financial investment for the procedure.
Associated risks and complications.
Options for anesthesia and type of surgical facility.
What you need to prepare for your surgery.
What you can expect to experience after surgery.
Show before-and-after photos of cases similar to yours and answer any questions
Questions to ask your aesthetic plastic surgeon
It is important for you to take an active role in your surgery, so please use this list of questions as a starting point for your initial consultation.

Am I a good candidate for buttock augmentation?
Are the results I am seeking reasonable and realistic?
Do you have before-and-after photos I can look at for the procedure I am undergoing?
Will my scars be visible? Where will my scars be located?
What kind of anesthesia do you recommend for me?
What will be the costs associated with my surgery?
What will you expect of me to get the best results?
What kind of recovery period can I expect, and when can I resume normal activities?
What are the risks and complications associated with my procedure?
How are complications handled?
What are my options if the cosmetic outcome of my surgery does not meet the goals we agreed on?
How do I prepare for a buttock augmentation procedure?
Your surgeon will provide you with pre-operative instructions, answer any questions you may have, take a detailed medical history, and perform a physical exam to determine your fitness for surgery.

In advance of your procedure, your surgeon will ask you to:

Stop smoking at least six weeks before undergoing surgery to promote better healing.
Avoid taking aspirin, certain anti-inflammatory drugs, and some herbal medications that can cause increased bleeding.
Regardless of the type of surgery to be performed, hydration is very important before and after surgery for safe recovery.
Buttock augmentation is usually performed on an outpatient basis. Be sure to arrange for someone to drive you home after surgery and to stay with you at least the first night following surgery.

What can I expect on the day of my procedure?

Your buttock augmentation surgery may be performed in an accredited hospital, a free-standing ambulatory facility, or an office-based surgical suite. Most buttock augmentation procedures take at least two to three hours to complete but may take longer.

Medications are administered for your comfort during the surgical procedure.
General anesthesia is commonly used during your buttock augmentation procedure, although local anesthesia or intravenous sedation may be desirable in some instances.
For your safety during the surgery, various monitors will be used to check your heart, blood pressure, pulse, and the amount of oxygen circulating in your blood.
Your surgeon will follow the surgical plan discussed with you before surgery.
After your procedure is completed, you will be taken into a recovery area, where you will continue to be closely monitored. You will have drains in place. After fat transfer, you will have a compression garment over the liposuction areas and over your buttocks. After implant surgery, you will be placed in a surgical dressing that includes a support or compression garment over your buttocks.
You will probably be permitted to go home after a short observation period unless you and your plastic surgeon have made other plans for your immediate postoperative recovery.

Aftercare and Recovery
Your surgeon will discuss how long it will be before you can return to your normal level of activity and work. After surgery, you and your caregiver will receive detailed instructions about your post-surgical care, including information about:

Drains, if they have been placed
Normal symptoms you will experience
Potential signs of complications
Immediately after your buttock augmentation
The incisions where your surgeon inserted the cannula or the implants may drain fluids for several days. Drainage tubes are often inserted to channel this fluid away from the wound. Significant fluid drainage is not uncommon after large volume liposuction, and bruising is common.

You will wear special tight garments to keep your buttock area compressed. Your doctor will tell you how long to wear these, usually for weeks. Some doctors provide these garments, but others will tell you where to purchase them before your surgery.

When the anesthesia wears off, you may have some pain. If the pain is extreme or long-lasting, contact your plastic surgeon. You will also have some swelling after the surgery. In some cases, this swelling will remain for weeks or even months. Contact your cosmetic surgeon to determine whether your pain and swelling is normal or a sign of a problem.

Your surgeon may recommend a treatment called lymphatic massage to try to reduce swelling and facilitate better drainage of any fluid buildup.

Recovery time frame after buttock augmentation
It is vitally important that you follow all patient care instructions provided by your surgeon after a butt augmentation procedure. This will include information about wearing compression garments, care of your drains, taking an antibiotic if prescribed, and the level and type of activity that is safe. Your surgeon will also provide detailed instructions about the normal symptoms you will experience and any potential signs of complications. It is important to realize that the amount of time it takes for recovery varies greatly among individuals.
The first two weeks

The recovery period is slightly longer and more painful in the buttock area, because this body region is used for physical activities such as walking, running, and even standing.
On the first day after surgery, you may be instructed to stay in bed with the compression garment on and to periodically move your hands and feet to maintain good circulation. You will be able to get up and walk after the second post-operative day.
When transported home or to your first post-op follow-up visit, you will be instructed to lie on your stomach in the back seat of the car to avoid pressure on your buttocks. This position should also be used to maneuver and stand for the first 3 days.
You will also be instructed to lie on your stomach or side while sleeping and while watching TV or reading.
You can expect some bruising and swelling in the buttock area during recovery; this may spread up to the abdominal or thigh area. This is normal and will begin to subside after a few days or weeks.
Your buttocks may be sore and painful, but this usually begins to resolve after just a few days. Pain medication will be prescribed for the pain.
Drains will be in place for the first seven days to eliminate fluid buildup and oozing from your incisions.
An oral antibiotic may be prescribed to be taken as long as the drains are in place.
Many surgeons do not allow sitting in the first 10-14 days except for using the toilet and eating. After this time, you can sit with a soft pillow placed beneath your hamstring muscles but not touching your buttock, so that your buttock is in the air and there is no pressure on the newly augmented buttock. This has not been proven to impact surgical results but is often advised as a precaution.
Weeks two to eight

Direct pressure must be kept off the buttocks for at least eight weeks, so sitting without a pillow is not allowed for that period.
You must wear a compression garment for six to eight weeks.
The final results of your buttock augmentation may be initially obscured by swelling. When the swelling subsides, sometimes taking three to six months, your true results will be more evident.
You are advised not to go clothes shopping for at least three months
After fat grafting, you can return to work, drive, or go to the movies after ten to fourteen days, but you must use a pillow when sitting so that there is no pressure on your buttocks. You can resume normal activities and exercise after eight weeks.
After implant surgery, you can return to work in two to three weeks, but you must use a pillow when sitting so that there is no pressure on your buttocks. At the third postoperative week, you are cleared for sitting and driving (using a pillow) and are encouraged to start stretching exercises. You can resume exercise eight to ten weeks after surgery. However, if there are wound complications, you may have to wait three to four months before you go back to the gym.

How Long Will the Results Last?
Under normal circumstances, the results of your buttock augmentation surgery will be long-lasting.

After a successful fat transfer buttock augmentation, the fat that remains will stay there for the rest of your life. Like the rest of the tissue in your body, this fat will grow and age with you. If you have implants placed, these devices do not need to be removed unless you develop a late complication.

Although the procedure improves the shape and contour of your buttocks, you should make necessary lifestyle changes to maintain the appearance of your new shape. A healthy diet and exercise regimen can be incorporated into your daily routine to maintain your look.

Maintain a relationship with your aesthetic plastic surgeon
For safety, as well as the most beautiful and healthy outcome, it’s important to return to your plastic surgeon’s office for follow-up evaluation at prescribed times and whenever you notice any changes in your buttocks. Do not hesitate to contact your surgeon when you have any questions or concerns.

Limitations and Risks
Your specific risks for buttock augmentation will be discussed during your consultation.

All surgical procedures have some degree of risk. Some of the potential complications of all surgeries are:

Adverse reaction to anesthesia
Hematoma or seroma (an accumulation of blood or fluid under the skin that may require removal)
Infection and bleeding
Changes in sensation
Allergic reactions
Damage to underlying structures
Unsatisfactory results that may necessitate additional procedures
Other risks specific to buttock augmentation are outlined below:
Fat transfer

Fat absorption – may be as much as 40% – which may produce asymmetry, making this procedure more difficult to predict and requiring additional fat grafting sessions over time to attain the desired “look”
Fat embolism – this is a risk of fat being injected into a blood vessel and traveling (embolizing) to the heart or lungs. Most surgeons have never had a patient with this complication, but in the unfortunate event that it occurs, this can be a fatal event. As a result of reports of this complication, ASAPS convened a task force to study fat embolism and associated risk factors extensively. The task force identified methods for surgeons to utilize in an effort to reduce the risk of this complication, including injecting fat above the muscle (rather than into or below it), using large blunt injection instruments, and other technical considerations.

Implant slippage, causing asymmetry
Any complications or changes in shape may require additional surgery.

You can help minimize certain risks by following the advice and instructions of your board-certified plastic surgeon, both before and after your buttock augmentation surgery.

Mommy Makeover

Also known as post-pregnancy surgery

A mommy makeover is any combination of cosmetic procedures that restore your before-pregnancy appearance, typically focusing on the breasts and abdomen. A typical makeover might include a tummy tuck, a breast procedure such as an augmentation, lift or reduction and liposuction of the legs, arms or trunk. The term “mommy makeover” may be new, but the procedures involved have a long, successful, and safe track record.

When to Consider a Mommy Makeover
If your pregnancy has negatively affected the size and shape of your breasts
If you’re distressed about your sagging tummy and stretch marks
If pockets of fat on your waist, abdomen, arms or thighs do not improve with diet and exercise

Restores a more youthful bust and flat tummy
Your clothes and swimwear will fit better
Helps you return to a slimmer body appearance

If you get breast implants, they are not intended to be lifelong devices.
Pregnancy following these surgeries may compromise results.
Weight gain following these surgeries may compromise results.
These are the top three pros and cons to weigh when considering a mommy makeover. If you want to focus on what is unique to you, please consult with your aesthetic plastic surgeon.

Are you a good candidate for a mommy makeover?

Mommy makeovers are designed to reverse the physical changes associated with childbearing and aging. If childbirth has left you with the following characteristics, consider undergoing a mommy makeover:

You have sagging breasts, uneven breasts, decreased breast volume, drooping nipples and stretched areolas (the dark skin surrounding the nipple).
Your breasts have become so much larger after childbirth that they are out of proportion with the rest of your body and they cause back pain.
Your tummy has loose skin and stretch marks and your waistline has become thick and undefined.
You had a C-section and now you have areas of fat hanging over your surgical scar.
You have excess fat in the love-handle area as well as in the hips and thighs.
You have early signs of aging in your face and around the eyes.
If you are in good general health and have a positive attitude and realistic expectations, you are most likely a good candidate for this procedure.

How is a mommy makeover procedure performed?
Mommy makeover is a descriptive term, not a procedure, so your first step is to consult with your plastic surgeon and decide on the procedures you will undergo. The following procedures described below are common to mommy makeovers. You can find more extensive information on each procedure in the Smart Beauty Guide.

Tummy tuck – also known as abdominoplasty

What it does
A flabby abdomen results from fat, poor skin elasticity, excess skin, and stretching of the inner girdle of connective tissue (fascia) and abdominal muscles (rectus muscles), extending from the ribs to the pubic bone. This inner girdle, which holds the internal organs in place, gets stretched during pregnancy or weight gain and the stomach protrudes. Abdominoplasty removes loose, excess skin and fat and tightens slack fascia, removing stretch marks and excess skin in the lower abdomen below the belly button.

How it is done

Your surgeon will remove most of the skin and fat between the belly button and pubic hair in a horizontal oval or elliptical shape.
Then the fascia overlying the abdominal muscles is tightened with sutures.
The skin around the belly button is repositioned and the belly button is brought out through a small incision and sutured in its natural position.
The incision, which typically runs from hip to hip, is closed with sutures. This will leave a scar that falls along the natural crease within the bikini line. The length and visibility of the scar varies.

Liposuction – also known as lipoplasty

What it does
Liposuction can improve the contour of flanks or hips, so the surgeon performing your mommy makeover will likely recommend liposuction of the flanks and hips at the same time as a tummy tuck. Liposuction is also effective in the chest, thighs, neck, upper arms, and knees.

How it is done

During surgery, a sterile liquid will be injected along with a local anesthetic to control pain and epinephrine to minimize bleeding.
After you receive anesthesia, your surgeon will make very small incisions near the area where fat will be removed.
A thin, hollow rod (cannula) will be inserted through the incision and suction forces the fat into the cannula and out a high-vacuum hose.
After fat removal, dressings and a compression garment will be applied.
Breast lift – also known as mastopexy

What it does
A breast lift or mastopexy treats sagging and uneven breasts, decreased breast volume, drooping nipples, and stretched areolas, returning a youthful shape and lift to your breasts. This surgery can be designed to enlarge (breast augmentation) or to reduce (breast reduction).

How it is done

You will receive either a general anesthetic or a combination of local anesthesia and intravenous sedation.
Your surgeon will make incisions. Mastopexy incisions vary, depending on the amount of excess skin, the position of your nipples, your preference, and your surgeon’s suggestions.
After making the incisions, the surgeon repositions and reshapes the breast tissue and surgically removes excess skin.
Then the nipple and areola are repositioned to a more youthful location. (Note that nipples and areolas usually remain attached to underlying mounds of tissue, which usually allows for the preservation of sensation and the ability to breastfeed.) If needed, the size of the areola can be reduced as well.
Your surgeon will then tighten the remaining skin while closing the incisions. The sutures are layered deep within the breast tissue to support the newly-shaped breasts and may use skin adhesives and/or surgical tape to help close and support the skin.

Breast reduction

What it does
During pregnancy, your breasts usually swell to a fuller size and shape. In some women, the breasts remain larger. This can be a welcome change unless your breasts have become disproportionately large and cause pain, poor posture, rashes, breathing problems, skeletal deformities, or low self-esteem. Breast reduction solves these problems by removing fat and glandular tissue and tightening skin to produce smaller, lighter breasts.

How it is done

Your surgeon will make incisions on your breasts and surgically remove excess fat, glandular tissue, and skin. (In some cases, excess fat may be removed through liposuction in conjunction with excision. If breast size is largely due to fatty tissue and not excess skin, liposuction alone may be used.)
Depending on your surgeon’s recommendation, you may have intravenous sedation or general anesthesia.
After deciding what is the best incision option for you, your surgeon will make the incision, reposition the nipple (which remains tethered to its original blood and nerve supply), and reduce the areola by excising skin at the perimeter, if necessary.
Then he or she will reduce, lift, and shape underlying breast tissue and then bring the incisions together to reshape the now smaller breast. The sutures are layered within the breast tissue to create and support the newly-shaped breasts, and then the skin is closed with sutures, skin adhesives, and/or surgical tape.
Your breasts will be wrapped in special gauze. You may be required to wear a surgical bra.

Breast augmentation – also known as augmentation mammaplasty

What it does
Breast augmentation increases or restores breast size using silicone gel implants, saline implants, or fat grafting.

How it is done

In breast augmentation using implants, your surgeon makes an incision, lifts the breast tissue, creates a pocket in the chest/breast area, and places a saline or silicone gel implant.
The implant is placed in a pocket underneath the pectoral muscle, which is located between the breast tissue and chest wall, or underneath the breast tissue and on top of the pectoral muscle.
You will be wrapped in a gauze bandage or a surgical compression bra. Drainage tubes may be used for a short time to drain the surgical site.
Breast lift combined with breast augmentation

If you want your breasts to be larger in addition to being less droopy, or if you desire to maintain projection and roundness of the breast mound and your drooping is severe, your plastic surgeon may recommend a breast lift combined with a breast augmentation as part of your mommy makeover.

What are my options?
You have many options, beginning with your choice of which procedures to undergo.

If you undergo breast augmentation, you will choose between silicone and saline breast implants, or, possibly, fat grafting. Depending on the size and shape you would like to achieve, your surgeon will give you some recommendations.
If you undergo liposuction, your plastic surgeon will explain the many new technologies associated with it.
In any of the mommy makeover surgeries, discuss your options for incision placement.
What will my mommy makeover incisions and scars be like?
Every effort will be made to make these as small and inconspicuous as possible. Plastic surgeons are adept at hiding them.

Tummy tuck: The incision stretches from hip to hip just above the pubic area. This will leave a scar that falls along the natural crease within the bikini line. Its length and visibility varies.

Liposuction: Because liposuction incisions are small, the scars are also small. Your surgeon will attempt to place them in hidden areas.

Breast lift: There are different types of breast lifts, each with different scarring patterns. Your surgeon can conceal some incision lines in natural breast contours, but others will be visible on the breast surface. Although incision lines are permanent, in most cases they will fade and significantly improve over time.

Breast reduction: There are at least four different incision patterns. Your pattern will depend on the size of your breasts, how much your breasts sag, and where your nipple-areola complex is positioned on your breast.

Breast augmentation: Your incision can be made in one of four places:

inframammary, underneath the breast
transaxillary, near the armpit, where the arm meets the chest area
transumbilical, in the belly button (only for saline implants)
periareolar, around the lower edge of the areola.

Select a surgeon you can trust
It’s important to choose your surgeon based on:

Education, training, and certification
Experience with mommy makeover procedures
Your comfort level with him or her
Members of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery are experienced and qualified to perform your aesthetic procedure. Learn how to select a surgeon.

After finding a board-certified plastic surgeon in your area who is experienced in performing mommy makeovers, you will need to make an office appointment for your consultation. Generally, because of the in-depth nature of the consultation, there is a cost associated with the initial visit, which is sometimes deducted from the price of the procedure.

Your initial consultation appointment
During your initial consultation, you will have the opportunity to discuss what you want to achieve. Your surgeon will evaluate you as a candidate for a mommy makeover and clarify what procedures may benefit you most. Once he or she understands your goals, your surgeon may suggest additional or related procedures.

It is important to be completely honest during the consultation. Be fully prepared to answer these questions:

Do you have any medical conditions or drug allergies? Are you being treated for any medical conditions?
Have you had any previous surgeries?
What are your current medications and vitamin and herbal supplements?
What is your current use of alcohol, tobacco and recreational drugs?
What is your history with any noninvasive cosmetic procedures?
What outcome do you expect from the surgery? What is your chief motivation in undergoing a mommy makeover?
Your surgeon may also:

Ask you to look in a mirror and point out exactly what you would like to see improved
Take photos for your medical record, using computer imaging to show improvements you can expect
Evaluate your health status, including pre-existing health conditions or risk factors
Evaluate the elasticity of your skin
Discuss your options and recommend a course of treatment
Discuss likely outcomes, including risks or potential complications
Discuss the type of anesthesia that will be used

Your treatment plan
Based on your goals, physical characteristics, and the surgeon’s years of training and experience, your surgeon will share recommendations and information with you, including:

An approach to your surgery, including the combination of procedures
The outcomes that you can anticipate
Your financial investment in the procedure
Associated risks and complications
Options for anesthesia and surgery location
What is needed to prepare for the surgery
What you can expect to experience after surgery
The doctor will also share before-and-after photos of cases similar to yours and answer any questions
Questions to ask your aesthetic plastic surgeon
For a general list of questions to ask your surgeon about his or her background, to find out about plastic surgery safety and to plan your procedure, visit the Planning Toolkit.

We developed these questions to help you:

Make the most informed and intelligent decision about your procedure
Confirm that you have the right surgeon for your procedure
Make your initial consultation as rewarding as possible
Understand your options, potential outcomes and risks
It is important for you to take an active role in your surgery, so please use this list of questions as a starting point for your initial consultation.

Am I a good candidate for a mommy makeover?
Are the results I am seeking reasonable and realistic?
Do you have before-and-after photos I can look at for the procedure I am undergoing?
Where will my scars be located?
What kind of anesthesia do you recommend for me?
What will be the costs associated with my surgery?
What will you expect of me to get the best results?
What kind of recovery period can I expect and when can I resume normal activities?
What are the risks and complications associated with my procedure?
How are complications handled?
What are my options if the cosmetic outcome of my surgery does not meet the goals we agreed on?

How do I prepare for a mommy makeover procedure?
Your surgeon will provide thorough preoperative instructions, answer any questions you may have, take a detailed medical history, and perform a physical exam to determine your fitness for surgery. If your surgeon recommends weight benchmarks or lifestyle changes, do your best to achieve them to ensure the best results and minimize the chance of complications. Regardless of the type of surgery to be performed, hydration is very important before and after surgery for safe recovery and critical outcomes. Since mommy makeover surgery places heavy demands on your body for wound healing, there are special recommendations:

Achieve your desired target weight first, but not just prior to surgery.
Make sure you are exercising at least thirty minutes per day, several days per week.
Be sure to have a healthy diet with a variety of vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants.
Keep alcohol consumption to a minimum.
Stop smoking at least six weeks before undergoing surgery to promote better healing.
Avoid taking aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs: Advil, Motrin, Aleve), and vitamins/homeopathic regimens that can increase bleeding. Your surgeon will have information on which medications should be stopped before surgery.
Establish a no-fail support system for the full recovery period dictated by your surgeon. This is most critical to your recovery. If you have children less than five years of age, you must have someone to take care of them for at least two weeks. Lifting, driving, laundry, and cleaning are absolutely prohibited.
Prepare your home for recovery. Your doctor can suggest many conveniences that may help you, depending on your procedure. For example, if your mobility is limited, it may be helpful to move objects from high shelves. You also may find it comfortable to sleep in a recliner or a similar position in your bed while recovering after surgery.
If your surgery is performed on an outpatient basis, arrange for someone to take you home and stay with you.
What can I expect on the day of mommy makeover surgery?
Your mommy makeover surgery may be performed in an accredited hospital, free-standing ambulatory facility, or office-based surgical suite. Your surgeon will give you an estimate of how long your surgery will last based on the procedures you have decided to undergo.

You will receive medications to keep you comfortable during the surgical procedure. Local anesthesia combined with sedation may be an option, or you will receive general anesthesia. An anesthesiologist or nurse anesthetist will be present to administer sedatives or general anesthesia and assist in monitoring.
For your safety during the surgery, various monitors will be used to check your heart, blood pressure, pulse, and the amount of oxygen circulating in your blood.
Your plastic surgeon will follow the surgical plan discussed with you before surgery. While in the OR, circumstances may lead your surgeon to modify a technique to ensure the best result. It is important that you feel comfortable and trust your doctor to make these decisions.
Your surgical dressings will depend on the procedures you undergo and may include surgical drains.
After surgery, you will be taken into a recovery area where you will continue to be closely monitored.
Before leaving for home, you and your caregiver will be taught how to empty, record, and reset the drains.
You may go home on the day of surgery or spend one or two nights in an aftercare center with a nurse unless you and your plastic surgeon have made other plans for your immediate postoperative recover.
Aftercare and Recovery
Your surgeon will discuss how long it will be before you can return to your normal level of activity and work. After surgery, you and your caregiver will receive detailed instructions about your postsurgical care, including information about:

Drains, if they have been placed
Normal symptoms you will experience
Any potential signs of complications
See options for short-term recovery locations in Aftercare and Recovery (Planning Toolkit).

Immediately after a mommy makeover
For thorough information, read about the procedures you will be undergoing visit sections on abdominoplasty, liposuction, breast lift, breast reduction, and breast augmentation.

Generally, you can expect to be bandaged, wearing compression garments, and you may have some surgical drains.
When the anesthesia wears off, you may have some pain that can be managed by pain medication. If the pain is extreme or lasts long, contact your physician. You will also have some swelling after the surgery. In some cases, this swelling will remain for weeks or even months. Contact your physician to find out if your pain and swelling is normal or a sign of a problem.
Recovery time frame
Because procedures are performed together, the benefit is that you only have to endure one recovery time. The first week will be the worst, and you will still feel like you are recovering for about two to three weeks. After that, you’ll probably be feeling pretty well, but you will not be able to do any heavy lifting (such as picking up your children) for six weeks. Here is more information about what to expect:

The recovery period is significant and can be intense the first few days. We recommend that you speak with your surgeon about using a pain pump as well as medications to control pain and discomfort, so that you can move about and sleep as needed.
The tummy tuck component of the makeover is the most uncomfortable. Make sure you follow your surgeon’s instructions carefully. The first two days are the most uncomfortable. After five to seven days, the pain is much better and may not require any medication
Full recovery is about six weeks. You should be up and walking within the first day after surgery.
By the end of the first week, you should be walking around the house frequently, but you are still unable to drive.
You will probably be comfortable enough to drive a car in two weeks, when all of the sutures and drains will be removed.
You will likely go back for follow-up evaluation with your surgeon within five days. During this visit, your doctor may remove the drainage tubes. Swelling should subside within five weeks, and the results are apparent within three months.
Having both procedures done at the same time does not lengthen the recovery. For example, breast augmentation recovery is approximately seven days, and tummy tuck recovery is ten to fourteen days. Your recovery period for both procedures will be in the ten to fourteen days.

Healing from mommy makeover surgery
Follow all postsurgical instructions. This will include information about wearing compression garments, taking any medications prescribed, and the level of activity that is safe. Your doctor will alert you to the signs of problems to watch for, such as signs of infection. It is important to realize that the amount of time it takes for recovery varies based on what your mommy makeover entails. However, there are some basic precautions and instructions that you should follow to help this recovery go as smoothly as possible, including:

Arrange for someone to help you get around the house and help with your medication for at least the first twenty-four hours after surgery.
Make sure you continue to have lots of help at home—this cannot be stressed enough. You’ll be tempted to try to help around the house quickly, but you won’t feel like yourself for at least one to two weeks and you still shouldn’t do any heavy lifting for four to six weeks. If you have small children, you must put someone else totally in charge of their care for two weeks.
Try sleeping with several pillows under your back and keep your legs slightly bent at the hips to minimize the tension on your incision, reduce pain, and facilitate a thinner scar.
Call your surgeon immediately if you notice an increase in swelling, pain, redness, drainage, or bleeding in the surgical area, or if you develop fever, dizziness, nausea, or vomiting. Other red flags include shortness of breath, chest pains, and unusual heartbeat.
Your surgeon will likely supply you with a surgical bra to wear early in your recovery after breast reduction or breast lift. This will help minimize swelling. Most swelling should subside within a few weeks, although some swelling may persist for up to four months after breast reduction.
You will need to wear an abdominal garment during your tummy tuck recovery. You may shower after the dressing, sponges, and gauze pads are removed. This usually occurs within seventy-two hours of your mommy makeover. After showering, pat your incisions dry and replace your abdominal garment.
Avoid heavy lifting, contact sports, and jogging for up to six weeks.

How Long Will the Results Last?
Barring another pregnancy or significant weight change, your results should be permanent, though plastic surgery cannot stop you from normal aging. However, breast implants are not permanent and there will likely come a time when you will have to replace them.

Maintain a relationship with your aesthetic plastic surgeon
For safety as well as the most beautiful and healthy outcome, it’s important to return to your plastic surgeon’s office for follow-up evaluation at prescribed times and whenever you have any questions about your mommy makeover healing and results. Do not hesitate to contact your surgeon when you have any questions or concerns.

Choose your surgeon based on quality, training, and experience—not cost.

Limitations and Risks
Fortunately, serious risks of mommy makeover surgeries are rare and the satisfaction rate with these procedures is high. Your specific risks will be discussed during your consultation. The overall complication rate is small if the operation is performed by an experienced plastic surgeon operating in an accredited facility.

All surgical procedures have some degree of risk. Some of the potential complications of all surgeries are:

Adverse reaction to anesthesia
Hematoma or seroma (an accumulation of blood or fluid under the skin that may require removal)
Infection and bleeding
Changes in skin sensation
Allergic reactions
Damage to underlying structures
Unsatisfactory results that may necessitate additional procedures
Blood clots in the legs or lungs
You can help minimize certain risks by following the advice and instructions of your board-certified plastic surgeon, both before and after your mommy makeover.